Customer Stories

We have associated with more than 200+ clients across the globs.
Read their experience with us in their own words.
Sumit sir came in the form of God in my life and changed it 360 degrees. I was mentally so depressed that I was not able to understand what to do with my life. I was in a toxic relationship and depressed , that is when I started taking sessions from Sumit sir. initially I was bit uncomfortable in opening up myself but he made me so comfortable that I could share whatever I was going through. He never judged me for that and also helped me to understand the situation from a completely different perspective. It took some time for me to be normal in my life but today I am so happy just because of him.


When a real world professional sits with you and tells you their story and provide a window into various opportunities that are available , more often than not, you are inspired to go and do more. Sumit Sehtya has inspired me and been a great guide, motivating me to chase my dreams and encouraging me to keep learning and growing. He is a talented person with a zest for life and creativity.


I have met Sumit through a professional assignment. And soon it was like I started sharing my fears, problems in life with him. The ones probably people think many times or feel hesitant about. Man, I must say you are perfect example of a coach/ councellor or healer whatever you want to call it, who gives all his ears, positive vibes and patience to someone who really needs it. I think, in my journey of life you r a friend who took up a role of coach without any conditions gave his time and helped find many answers which I couldnt find in wrong state of mind. Thank u for being there.


I fondly call Mr. Sumit Sehtya as Bhai as that is exactly the role he played in my life. I had known him for longer, but 3 years back I reached him for counseling and help when I was severely vulnerable and anxious. From marriage to career to every significant aspect and otherwise, I had simply lost control over everything around me. I had completely stopped believing in each and every decision I ever took. I had no strength and absolutely no will to get up and sort things out. And then I met bhai. I always say that more than a life coach, he has been a guardian angel to me who more than fixing things for me, focused more on fixing my self esteem. He believed in me when I wasn’t sure of myself at all. He never advised anything nor gave an opinion; he simply said out loud what I was scared to speak to myself. It sometimes came out harsh, but I believe that I needed that reality check the most at that time. Most people we meet are those who are either too scared of being honest or too indifferent to do so. But bhai belongs to none of these lots. He exactly knew what I “needed” to hear more than what I “wanted” to. From the journey of a forever-cribbing girl to a confident grown-up woman, I walked through it because of his belief in me. “tu kar legi”: these are three magical words he says to me whenever I go running towards him, even today. Had he given me a shoulder to cry on that time and saved me from pain, I wouldn’t have become what I am today. I know how pain feels and I know how not get crippled in front of it. Thanks to bhai. He never takes credit for it, but I can never get tired of thanking him. He exactly did what a life coach should do: he taught me that’s it’s my life and it’s only me who can make it worthwhile.


Sumit sir’s philosophy and way of living has truly helped me. His sense of right knowledge application at right time and situation gives light and balance to life. The best part about him is that he practices every word he speaks and that makes his counselling more meaningful and heart hitting.