Our services
Chill Counseling Sessions
In his Chill Counseling Sessions, he hears you out like a dear friend would – with no judgments, he chills with you, he takes care of you and helps you understand how you can take care of yourself and be what you want to be, achieve what you want to achieve, to be happy and stay happy, to handle emotions and to walk the path of Ultimate Consciousness. All you need is a desire to see and understand LIFE beyond human limitations and beliefs.
Energy Cleansing Sessions with Swasti
Everything and everyone is energy. What we touch, smell, see, hear, taste, think, feel… it is all energy. Our thoughts and feelings affect us, as well as others, as much and as strongly as the things that are present in our physical world. So is true for us when it comes to others’ thoughts and feelings. A thought sent with the feelings of love and compassion carries a positive energy with it and will affect the receiver AND the sender in a positive way.