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Our team of professionals are more than happy to help you with all your questions and queries.

Sec 45, Gurgaon, Haryana - 122003

Frequently asked questions

Is your mind full or questions?
Read a common set of questions people usually come to with.
Chill session or Chill Counselling Session is the opportunity to discuss your thoughts and feelings about the issues you face in day-to-day life that you wish to understand better, explore and heal in a relaxing, friendly and confidential setting. It is a collaborative process in which you, as the expert of your life, gain higher awareness and feel empowered to find your own answers.
That “stuck” feeling can sometimes be more than just an emotional/psychological response to a situation. It can be the result of your energy being weighed down by your own and/or others’ limiting beliefs and negative thoughts about you. Thoughts are energy. In an Energy Equalizing Session, the counselor guides you into a deep state of relaxation that allows you to be able to see, feel and connect with your own energy and clean-heal-rid it of all those thoughts, those energies, that have been weighing you down and making you feel “stuck”, while at the same time keeping your higher energies and values up-and-running so you can stay in a balanced frame of mind, thus focusing on growth and mindfulness.
Based on your own requirement and desire for healing and growth, in a set of sessions we give you the right space and time to express, to relax, be your authentic self, discover and transform. We use compassion, spiritual wisdom and a psychological framework to facilitate insight and awareness to help you find your own answers. You can start by fixing an online or an in-person first session.
Yes. Everything you share will be confidential. This is an extremely important ethical guideline for a counsellor where no information can be disclosed to another person without your consent. Therefore you can relax and be assured that what you share will be kept a secret. We are honourably and ethically bound to maintain confidentiality except in situations where there is risk of self-harm, harm to others or child abuse.