About Us

An aware “you” today will create an aware “society” tomorrow.
An aware “society” will lead to the creation of an aware “world”.

What we do and why Chill with Aum?

When you are stressing yourself out over something, how many times have you heard a family member or a close friend say to you “hey… chill!”?

We say – “hey… Chill with Aum!”

‘Chilling’ or ‘relaxing’ or simply taking time out with and for your ‘self’ is extremely important, which is exactly what we do.

How? We use Aum, the sound of the Universe, to Chill… to relax… to meditate… to dance… to sing… to express… to heal… to transform. Here we can do anything and everything… or nothing. The only intention is to vibrate at the highest frequency of consciousness.

We design our own lives, knowingly or unknowingly… consciously or unconsciously. But the fact remains that the design of our lives is in our very own hands. Or should we say ‘our minds’. So isn’t it better to become conscious, knowledgeable and wise designers? Be the driver of your car in the journey called life.

Reach Out To us If

You are hurt emotionally
You want to pursue your passion
You have family issues, which you want to resolve
You often feel offended by people
You think no one understands you
You think your family or others are responsible for your sufferings
You have lost colors from your life
You have a dream and don’t know how to achieve it
You want to know how to handle your emotions better
You feel low, sad, angry, fearful, anxious or depressed in life
You want to love or get loved
You want to succeed in life

The Chill Ville

Formed with the intention of ‘Healing while Chilling’ at its core, The Chill Ville is a place for everyone and anyone looking to transform his or her life using, simply, the power of his or her mind. WE are the creators of our own life. What we feel, think, say and believe has the power to create our reality. So if there is some disconnect or dissatisfaction in the reality WE created, it is only in our hands to change it, transform it, heal it and rid ourselves of it. And at our center we give you the perfect ambience, environment, space, tools and the right training required to use those tools to overcome your issues and RE-CREATE your reality in the way you choose to be fit for YOUR life.

It’s a place where one comes with judgments, opinions and ego left outside.

It’s a place where you can be your authentic self and meditate, chant, laugh, love.

It’s a place for those seeking peace of mind.

It’s a place where wisdom flows.

It’s a place to Heal while you Chill.

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